Saturday, December 12, 2009

Waiheke Island, New Zealand - Dec 2009

This was our first excursion out of Auckland. We took the ferry over to Waiheke Island and spent 2 days lazing on the beautiful beaches. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The sun was shining the entire time. Jesse pulled out his sandals for the first time since we left Cancun! He wore shoes the entire trip because they were more comfortable for all the walking. His feet were so white it looked like he was still wearing socks! True to form, he forgot to put sunblock on them and burnt them to a crisp! He had to wear socks in his sandals the last day because they were too sore to walk! hahaha

We ate lunch at a great restaurant on the beach and enjoyed the incredible view and some delicious fish and chips. This is living!

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