Thursday, October 15, 2009

Auckland, New Zealand - Oct 2009 to Dec 2009

Our flight to Auckland was pretty exhausting. We spent all day Tuesday, Oct 13th touring London. We didn't really get any sleep because we finished packing when we got back to the hostel and had to leave before 5am to get to the airport on time. We spent a couple hours in the airport then had a 12 hour flight down to LA. We had a 12 hour wait in LA. We originally hoped we could leave the airport and see some of the city, but it was pouring rain. We didn't want to rent a car didn't trust depending on public trasport, so we didn't venture too far. After the long wait we had another 12 hour flight into Auckland... When we arrived it was 10am on Wednesday (talk about a long day! 42 hours so far).

We took a bus into town and walked to our hostel (man there's a lot of hills in Auckland!!). We stayed at Freeman's Lodge for our first 5 nights. Seema, the owner/manager was amazing! She helped us with everything from getting our IRD numbers (required to work in NZ) to recommending restaurants and areas to live in. We found a great place in Ponsonby and moved in the following week.

Here are some of the random pics we took during our first couple months here:

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