Sunday, October 11, 2009

Madrid, Spain - Oct 7 to 11, 2009:

We spent 5 nights in busy Madrid. We didn't book ahead, so we had to switch hostels half way through our stay, but both of the places were pretty decent.

Again, we waited too many months to finally make this post, so we forgot most of the finer details... Here's a quick rundown of what we did:

Crystal Palace:

Some Amigos we met at the hostel:

Jesse really liked this bike:

We were lucky enough to come across a Latin American Parade. Every country had flags, dancers and traditional music:

Museo del Prado (just in case you can't read the sign):

Parque del Retiro:

Puerta del Sol:

One of the famous sights in Puerta del Sol:

Centro de Arte Reina Sofia:

Royal Palace:

The amazing staircase in one of the hostels we stayed at:

What an amazing city! Next we have a quick 20 hours in London and we're off to New Zealand!!

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