Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calgary, Canada - July 31, 2010

We didn't spend much time in Calgary, just enough to quickly visit some friends. JP was kind enough to offer us a place to stay. He also had a party when we arrived Friday night.

On Saturday we spent the afternoon down on 17th ave at the Ship and Anchor. Great weather calls for beers on the patio! We were going to check out the Bombers vs Stampeders game, but ended up pulling the plug on that idea at the last minute. That evening we went bowling instead.

Ian muscled up a legendary score of 12. I didn't get a picture of that score... He faired a bit better in the next round with a 52 (mind you I count 10 gutter balls). Haha maybe next time he'll think twice before ordering tequila shots all afternoon!

After bowling Ryan had a get-together at his place. A jam was the original plan, but that didn't really pan out. It was great to see everyone!!

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