Friday, July 23, 2010

Saltillo, Mexico - July 23 to 30, 2010

It has been a year since we left to travel. We were definitely due for a visit home! We took a couple weeks of holidays and spent a week in Mexico and a week in Canada. The flights were just as long as we remembered. Our round trip went Auckland-Los Angeles-Houston-Monterry then Monterrey-Dallas-Calgary and finally Edmonton-San Francisco-Auckland, covering over 30,000 Kms!!

A week is definitely not enough time to visit! We didn't have a minute to spare all week. We spent the first weekend out at the family ranch. Saturday night we partied with friends and then a barbeque with relatives on Sunday. During the week we visit as much family as we could squeeze in and made a trip out to a vineyard near Parras. Jesse had the honour of making empanadas with Carolina's grandma! We forgot to take pictures, but when it came to kneading the dough, she sure made Jesse look like a wimp!

Karaoke at the ranch:

"It took me two years to learn this song!"

If I really wanted to, I could dance with bottle on my head too...

Jesse almost sat on a mantis at lunch:

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