Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a fairly quiet Christmas this year, not too many pictures to post. Christmas eve we went out for dinner with some friends to a Japanese Tepan Yaki Restaurant. These are always a great time, the tables normally have about 10 seats and a big cooking grill in the middle. Each table has their own chefs that prepare your meal in front of you and put on a cooking performance.

We opened our gifts on Christmas day, then went to visit some more friends for an amazing meal and some excellent champagne!

Great minds think alike, we were both pretty homesick this Christmas and we both had the idea to surpise each other with some rare (in NZ at least) food, haha:

Root Beer Floats!!! Root Beer doesn't exist in New Zealand... They just have "ginger beer" or some dreadful thing like that. It's kind of like ginger ale, but not quite.

Party time!

Boxing day was quiet too. Jesse was on call at work, so we didn't venture too far from home just in case he got a call. Since we are a day ahead of everyone, this was a great opportunity to spend about 6 hours calling everyone back home to wish them a Merry Christmas!

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