Monday, December 27, 2010

Piha - Dec 27, 2010

We have planned the Ultimate South Island adventure for our Christmas holidays this year. We flew down to Nelson, rented a car and spent the rest of the week touring around the top part of the South Island. We flew down to Nelson on Dec 27th, but our flight wasn't until 5pm.

You know us, we don't like to spend too much time lazing around so we went out with some friends to Piha for the afternoon before our our flight. This is one of the black sand beaches about 40 minutes west of Auckland. We've already been there a few times, but this time we explored along the rocks and found a cool little bay where the waves were crashing in.

It'd be pretty cool fishing from the cliff above the crashing waves!

In the future, we REALLY need to get the hang of al this High and Low tide business... we lost track of time while exploring the cove and the tide came back in behind us! The path we came in on was now completely submerged... Needless to say we got a little wet on our return trip, but luckily nothing was too badly damaged (phones, cameras, bodies, etc.)

Not the safest looking swimming conditions after the tide came in:

We made it to the airport on time and landed in Nelson around 7:30pm. We just caught a cab to the Hostel. We didn't bother renting a car until the 3rd day since Nelson is small and we weren't planning on going too far at the start. We stayed in a place called the Custom House. What a great accommodation! We would highly recommend it! The owner was great, he even drove us to the rental car shop after we later found out that buses don't go that way, haha. Of course we could have taken a cab, but he insisted on giving us a lift. Each day of our holiday will be a separate post, so I won't go into too much detail yet. Here's the area we covered:

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