Friday, August 14, 2009

Frankfurt, Germany - Aug 14 - 15, 2009

Before we left Essen, Carolina and Edgar did some laundry (in the microwave)... So much for Jesse's built in napkins (socks)...

We arrived in Frankfurt on Friday afternoon. Frankfurt is a major business and transportation hub for Germany. It is home to the second busiest airport in Europe (Heathrow in London is 1st). It has a bustling financial district as well as a vibrant old city centre. We were lucky enough to get a good deal on a hotel right along the Rhine river. Our room overlooked the river and had a fantastic view of the Westhafen Tower.

Friday evening we walked along the river and explored a bit of the old city.

We spent the entire Saturday day walking around the core of the city. The tourist information centre gave us a 3 hour walking tour route map that led us along all the major sights. It had explanations for each location. Some of the highlights were the Dom (Cathedral), the old city hall and the central market area. Carolina absolutely loved the traditionally styled old German Buildings in the plaza. We also checked out the birthplace of Goethe.

We spent a couple hours visiting the museum of communication. We REALLY enjoyed this one. Probably because we are both a bit nerdy (Jesse much more than Caro of course). The museum walked through the evolution of communication tools. It started out with old letters and stamps dating back to the 1500s and progressed through to modern postal services. Then it moved through the invention of the telegraph, radio, the telephone, the television, the computer and finally the internet. Jesse was walking down memory lane with the old computers. Oregon Trail!!

Look Dad! I found your "Toaster" Cell Phone in the museum!!!

Carolina making a wish with an orange peel on her head:

1 comment:

  1. It's called Frankfurt am "Main" for a reason...
