Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heidelberg, Germany - Aug 16, 2009

We decided that a day-trip was in order for Sunday. We looked around online and found out that Heidelberg is only an hour away by train and has a castle. We were sold. We caught a train around 10am. It was definitely worth it. The city is a little too touristy for our liking, but there were quite a few sights to see. We began by walking along the river into the old town centre. We ate lunch in a plaza beside an old church. It had a great view of the castle, which was further up the side of a small mountain. After lunch we made our way up to the castle.

Inside the castle there were a variety of museum exhibits. There was a giant keg for storing wine. I can't remember exactly, but I think it held 140,000 Litres! There was also a medicine and pharmacy museum. The view from the top of the castle was unbelievable!

The entrance to the castle still had the steel drop-down gates!

The castle was surrounded by a couple green courtyards.

When we were done with the castle we tried to find the old University. Heidelberg is home to the oldest university in Germany. The school itself is split into several buildings throughout the city. The ones we saw weren't very picturesque so we were disappointed. They looked like regular old buildings, nothing fancy or extravagant.

After the university we felt like a challenge, so we embarked on the Philosopher's Walk. It begins at the base of the river and heads immediately up a steep path winding up the mountain. We are both in pretty good shape, but it was exhausting! It was also 32 degrees out, so that may have contributed... haha. The view at the top was magnificant! There was a great view of the river, the castle, the churches and the entire city with all the red roofs of the buildings. By then it was getting a bit late, so we walked back to the train station and went back to Frankfurt for the night. Heidelberg ended up being a fantastic day trip. We were both very glad we went.

Tomorrow we are heading to Munich!

1 comment:

  1. I've been there! At the uni they used to lock students up in the jail for doing things like drinking and dancing...

