Friday, August 7, 2009

New York, USA - Aug 4, 2009

New York - We didn't originally plan to visit New York. We were supposed to fly from Cancun back to Calgary, then from Calgary directly to Frankfurt. Unfortunately Canadian Immigration are a bunch of assholes. They decided to make Mexican citizens new require Visitor Visas just to enter the country now. That's fine, they have reasons for that, but what sucked was they announced it less than a week before our vacation in Cancun. They only gave 48 hours notice and were unwilling to make any exceptions, even for people that already had flights booked. Carolina wasn't able to get a visa in time, so we ended up having to cancel our flights back to Canada (non-refundable) and cancel our flights from Calgary to Germany (only got $285 back from the $700 tickets). Then we were scrambling to find new flights. We spent a few days hunting for deals and the best option we could find ended up costing us an additional $650 each... We flew New York and spent 2 nights there. From there we are flying to Paris! This city wasn't originally on our route either, so that is a nice bonus. Since we are starting further west now, we are adding a few stops. From Paris we are going to make stops in Brussels and Lexenbourg before we get to Dusseldorf.

Ok, enough with that, how was New York? One word - Busy. We ended up not venturing too far from the hotel when we arrived on Monday night. On Tuesday we took a couple trains to Manhattan. We checked out the World Trade Center site, the Statue of Liberty, Battery Park, Time Square, Central Park, Madisson Square Gardens, the Empire State Building, Wall Street and checked out a bunch of the memorials and churches in the area. The streets were packed, especially during rush hour. It was a pretty cool time, but I would never want to live there. I never realized how big Central Park is. It seems really secluded once you are inside. You don't see or hear all the traffic from the surrounding streets at all.

Overall, our rating for New York: 3 out of 5 Liberty Bells...

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