Monday, September 14, 2009

Florence, Italy - Sept 12 to 13, 2009

We spent 3 nights in Florence, but didn't get to see as much as we wanted. The first evening we walked around and got to see some of the major sights at night. The Duomo in Florence is amazing!

The next day we got an earlier start and checked out a couple museums. We started with the Accademia Gallery; this is where Michaelangelo's David is. We waited in line for about 45 minutes (Florence is full of tourists) but finally got inside. There were a bunch of paitings and others works of art in the museum, but it seemed like everyone was only interested in seeing David. We weren't allowed to take pictures in the museum, so the blog post will be kind of boring. We were both very impressed with the statue. It took about 3 years to be completed and was sculpted from a single block marble. The details on the statue are incredible.

We also found a remake of the statue in a plaza nearby:

Before getting into the next museum we stoped for lunch in a place called "Yellow". This was the first place where we enjoyed a real Italian pizza, and we were not disappointed at all. We shared a delicious caprichosa pizza. Thanks to Carolina's cousin Chester for the recommendation!

The next museum had quite a few statues including a very large collection of Donatello's work. This is the first musuem we visited that had a large bronze statue collection. Again, pictures were banned... sorry... We were only able to take a few in the courtyard.

We stopped back at the hotel and made some pasta for supper, then we took an evening stroll down to the river and snapped a few shots of the bridge at night. There are some jewelery shops running all along the actual bridge.

There was still so much more to see in Florence, but we have a tight schedule to follow. The trip is winding down and we're running out of days to fit everything! The next day we took a day trip to Pisa!

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