Saturday, September 5, 2009

Interlaken, Switzerland - Sept 2 to 5, 2009

Interlaken... Wow, this was by far the best stop so far. We weren't originally planning to stay here, but we ended up spending 5 nights! Nestled in the heart of the Alps, the scenery couldn't be more beautiful.

The first night we wandered around the small town enjoying the scenery. We were looking for something cheap to do. We stopped by an indoor climbing wall, but they wanted $80 for a 1 hour climbing session! We decided to just continue walking around admiring the Swiss cottage style houses.

Carolina and her love for Japanese gardens ... and we found one!

The next day we checked out more of the town as well as a High Ropes Course. It was awesome!! We made our way through a series of rope obstacle courses slung high into the trees. The place had 7 courses ranging from kid friendly to very challenging. Each one took about 20 to 30 min to navigate through. We weren't expecting it to be so big, so we ended up getting there later than we should have. We skipped the easiest route and didn't have time to do the hardest one! It was 5:50 and the staff wouldn't let us start the last course because the close at 6... We were pretty disappointed but it was still an amazing afternoon!

After the ropes course we went back to the hostel, washed up and went to an open-air theatre where they were telling the famous Swiss story of William Tell (the guy who shot an apple off his son's head with a cross bow). It was a great time even though the entire play was in German and we had to guess what they were saying, haha.

While we were in town the Jungfrau marathon was also taking place. It's a huge event, so every hotel/hostel/bed and breakfast in town seemed completely booked up. In the 5 nights we spent there we ended up staying in 3 different hostels and 4 different rooms because each place only had 1 room left because of last minute cancelations.

The 3rd night we stayed at the Alpin Lodge right along the river. The view from the room was great but unfortunately it rained all day! We tried our best to get some sightseeing in, but it was just too wet. We ended up grabbing a frozen pizza, cooking it back at the hotel and watching a movie on the laptop back in the room. Oh well, we needed a recovery day anyways.

The 4th night we moved to Berber's Herberge. This is the famous youth hostel in the area. We had the most fun here. It was packed with fellow travellers. We met some great people while we were there including a bunch of Aussies that we had a great time with. During the day we went hiking up to Harder Kulm, which is an old building/cafe at the top of the mountain overlooking the valley, lakes and rivers that surround Interlaken. The view was spectacular from the top!

OUCH! Maybe if you tied those shoe laces you wouldn't have wiped out!

Our last day in Interlaken we did a day trip to Lauterbrunnen. It will be in the next post.

We were sad to leave Interlaken. It is the extreme sports centre of Switzerland. There is SkyDiving, Bungee Jumping, Paragliding, Hang Gliding, Ropes Courses and anything else you can imagine. We could have easily blown through the entire trip's budget in a week there! We will definitely return to Interlaken. It would be well worth it to return for a single week with a wallet full of cash.

Look! It's the Dude!! Any bowlers reading the blog will enjoy this I'm sure.

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