Monday, September 14, 2009

Pisa, Italy - Sept 14, 2009

It was raining when we woke up in the morning, it really started pouring after breakfast and it didn't really let up much all day... Never the less, we were determined to check out Pisa. The city is about an hour train ride from Florence. We spent the morning booking hostels in Naples and Rome (hoping the rain would stop), so we didn't get to Pisa until the afternoon. That still gave us lot's of time to see everything. The tower and cathedral are a short walk away from the station. We stopped and ate lunch away from the rain on the way.

It is kind of a strange feeling seeing it for the first time. It felt sort of like it did when we caught our first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. The landmark is so famous and almost cliche that you don't think it will have any affect on you when you see it. But when you finally see it for yourself, it feels almost surreal. We were not sure how to describe it, you have seen so many pictures and the image is already so clear in your mind, that when it is standing right in front of you it doesn't seem real. It really is a pretty incredible sight though. The tower was quite a bit smaller than we were expecting, but even in the rain the crowds filled the plaza.

hmmm... Even the trees are leaning...

Of course we had to get a few "Typical Pisa Poses":


ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!!!!!

There was a beautiful sunset as we walked back to the train station:

We are going off to Naples!... a taste of the real Italy?


  1. Hey Jesse and Carolina! Looks like you guys are having a great time. I have to say, everyone else in the family (it's Bre by the way) has been reading your blog regularly and always telling me how much fun it looks, and I have resisted looking until now. I hope you don't take that as a bad thing - I just knew you guys would be having so much fun that I'd be incredibly jealous, and guess what? I am!! Haha, I can't wait until I graduate (7 months!) so I can do this too... I hope you guys are having the time of your lives, and hope to see you back in Calgary someday!

  2. Hey! wow! these pictures are great haha I love the high five one.. It took me a minute to realize tho but it looks really fun.
    I love you both!
    Nicole xoxo
