Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monte Carlo, Monaco - Sept 27, 2009

We took a day trip to Monte Carlo, Monaco from Nice. The entire country is only 2 squared kilometers! We basically walked back and forth across the entire country several times during the day.

Monaco doesn't answer to the French government so they play by their own rules. This is one of the reasons why there is so much money here; No Taxes. Many companies of financial offices here to keep their money out of their government's hands.

You could smell the money when you got off the train, haha. It was kind of fun walking along the streets of such a wealthy area. On top of everything, the Monaco Yacht Show was on while we there. All the business tycoons were out showing off their toys. We lost count of all the Ferraris and Lamborghinis. It was easy to spot one on almost every block.

Just like Nice, we didn't see as much as we should have. This was just a quick day trip and we got their pretty late. Tomorrow we are taking a 12 hour train ride to Barcelona (3 connections, the fast train was full). We will be there for 4 nights, including Jesse's Birthday!!!

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